Look at me, back here again.
I think I'm starting to get bored *with Facebook. Too much time on my hands and the responsibility of keeping other people's games running may well be a contributor. Not exclusively I suspect...
The repeatedly frustrating performance of Zynga games in whichever browser (they can crash all of the non-fruit-based offerings - I don't use the the grey one) despite perpetual interface changes.
Facebook's cavalier approach to their users, both their privacy and their taste in interface. It's all rather getting beyond a joke.
StumbleUpon did the same thing. There was a very long discussion, widely condemning the new interface which they too, simply ignored.
Google blogs and their draconian deletion of some music blogs over what appear to be spurious legal issues.
My Tweets (the message is frequently in the music) were all very law, freedom, silence, Big Brother that day.
Now Buzz. I turned it on. I turned it off. I discovered something.
I am not a social animal. On Facebook, I have used chat twice in a year. I don not IM. I communicate with FB associates (I have very few RL friends I speak with) only about game activity.
I sometimes comment, it rarely expands into communication.
I have very few gmail contacts, fewer I would be likely to Buzz with. You can email me if you really want. The links around here somewhere.
I 'installed' Wave too. It seems I'm not alone in not having a compatibly life-style for this product.
I don't walk about with a camera. I have one on my phone but the pictures are, frankly, crap. I do not have a Flickr account or Picassa. I don't go on boat trips or go shopping with friends.
Shopping. Oh how I loathe shopping. Adding to that delight the prospect of accomodating the purchasing requirements of somone (even someone I like) else - anathema. The sentence I originally thought of ended in 'right off'.
If these things are 'coming from the future' I fear I am going to be awfully side-lined in the brave new world.
To compound my troubles, Blogger won't show me the HTML. I always have to edit the spacing in the HTML because otherwise there are huge ugly spaces. Google have opted for the ugly spaces by denying me the HTML editor.
Welcome to my disappointment.
(* I am firmly of the belief one can only be bored with something never bored of something. It grates on me immensely)
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