Greetings from the land of the NoozeHound.
I started writing a pre-election post. That was all though. I just started it. It ended, much like the election, as unfinished business.
After a few Opera updates I was suddenly gripped by the urge to see if it was friends with Blogger again. I am as much in the dark as you at this point.
I view myself with more than a little disdain. I have published a dozen or so sentences but that has been the total of my creative productivity.
Were I to try to mount a defence, it would run along the lines of me being busy, working long hours, home-life difficult, etc, but it would really come down to the hours spent of Facebook.
Not, I hasten to add, communing electronically with friends old and new. Catching up on gossip and making plans - the very epitome of the modern social scene. No, not your beloved old NoozeHound.
No, I have been maintaining several small though apparently popular and successful cafés whilst fronting two crime families and their nefarious imaginary activities.
I read Ten Reasons to Delete Your Facebook Account ( I think it's the original source) via popurls. I re-posted it too - in my Facebook profile! Beyond that, I did sweet FA . Other than carry on dishing out beatings to Thai drug-dealers and knocking up Veggie Lasagne of course.
Mrs NoozeHound (recent purchaser of an Android phone and a new Windows 7 laptop) is a frequent network socialite, chatting merrily to real-life friends frequently although rarely in depth.
So then, I am working again. It seems to be going well but I am currently contracting for a reasonable hourly rate - the clients have expressed a desire for me to take the permie shilling. We seem some distance apart on the remuneration package.
My toothache has finally been cured. Two extractions and a root canal. About $500 of treatment - yet to be completed but at least I am no longer in constant pain. There was a time there when every trip to the supermarket meant stocking up on ibuprofen and paracetemol because I knew it would only be a matter of time before I had taken everything in the house.
The NoozeHound political voice, I believe went unheard. I used my vote in the vain hope of preventing one Tory seat. I would very much like to vote in an election where my single vote went toward a total of votes for that party rather than be silenced as it currently is be deluded fools in the locale. I will never forgive those responsible if this opportunity for change is allowed to escape.
So, the moment of truth, will Opera 10.53 succeed where it's recent predecessors failed?
-Or will it be, another welcome to the disappointment ?
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We can't both be right, it's probably me.
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