Greetings from a pretty cool land of the NoozeHound.
My age is becoming a minor concern. Not in a grim way, more an acknowledged, with passing regret, the passing of time and it's effects on my body.
A body that, in all fairness, could never be described as lovingly maintained, to continue the vehicular analogy, more regularly well thrashed.
For instance I recently discovered that my thighs are far less supple than I had taken them to be, when trying to have them fold vertically in the footwell of a fairly compact vehicle. The thigh strain that I think I received as a result of said maneouvre lasted several days and, over a week later, I stll notice the latent effects on my right knee and calf.
EMNH continues to yank control and manipulation points to tiring effect, similarly tiring are her demands for funds.
I was also experiencing a discomfort in my right ring finger. A dull ache around the bottom joint. I considered how I have generated an RSI type of injury. Being on vacation, I have not used my PC as much as I would normally. What else could I have done to cause such an injury?
I cast my mind back to last night and smile.
I can now hardly consider it any less than a campaign injury and wear my aching finger with a sense of quiet pleasure, a badge of honour.
Not what one would think to post on FML.
Sadly, I have come to the sad point in my life where I am taking Multi-Vitamins. Worse still I found myself thinking about searching for joint supplements; Cod Liver Oil doesn't appeal and I find my self thinking Garlic Capsules for some reason and the dreadful reek that exuded from the pores of former in-laws.
Welcome to the disappointment.
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