7 August 2009

Guess What....?

I had an article I'd half prepared about a vehicular news item. I'd got together the facts as best I could and it relied on me just having to cobble an article around them.  It was good stuff and I'll use it in the next day or so.

Later in the day I got myself delightfully (voyeuristically) embroiled in Eminem vs Mariah (and Nick Cannon*) spat.  Wow!  Are they some lyrical licks! Even I squirmed during 'The Warning', but as the artist says, "...if I’m embarrassing me, I’m embarrassing you..." 

* I have to be honest I had no idea, other than 'Mr Carey', who Nick Cannon was.  It would seem I missed him in MIB2.

Aside from protagonist loyalties, I'm loving 'Obsessed' as a tune.

However, neither are the theme of tonight's diatribe.

The 'Guess What?' refers to my web marketing obsession.  Just before coming here, I dropped by alter ego's email account, following up on a forum thing (that's another story).

There (about bloody time) was not one, but two emails from NPC (he still can't pronounce niche by the way) telling me that I'd missed out and friends had pleaded with them and they didn't want me to miss out, yada, yada.

Long story short I had a final and a final final chance to sign-up.

Well,no surprise I paid my dollar and got my membership. I've downloaded my free content - me and (if their claimed figures are to be believed) 5,308 others, I should imagine.

Nearly 6,000 new sites selling exactly the same thing.  They tell you to modify it, but what do you reckon?

Chances of success, roughly 1/6000/6,710,029,070/a cat-in-hells' chance!

The other thing I stumbled-on and read for a while was David Wong's Monkeysphere.  So now, when you, dear reader, are not reading and not commenting, I know why.

You're out of my Monkeysphere, or more to the point I'm outside of yours.

Welcome to the disappointment.


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