13 August 2009

Stuff of the day

I've been watching every video I can to try and absorb as much as possible of the  paid content my 7-day trial allows.

In between I was googling something and noticed the ad for Lattitude.

It instantly struck me (which is perhaps some measure of NoozeHound) that it would be of most use to pimps tracking their girls. Secondly I considered drug-dealers looking to arrange personal supply.  Of course it could be cabs, or pizza delivery or cheating spouses, but pimps and ho's and G's and N was what occurred to me first. Too much San Andreas I plead your honour.

I thought I'd found one hot niche today (that's neesh  - as in quiche by the way Adam, not nitch as in ditch) having put it through the tests which all proved favourable; it turns out there is likely very little to write that hasn't already been written.

There are 4 e-books with ludicrously high conversion rates and I doubt I could come up with sufficient original material to fill another., let alone a mini-course and an audio-book! 

Back to the drawing board.

It was quite exciting for a while there - the work was a little daunting but it was exciting nonetheless.  I am dead tired now and have promised Noozehoundette I won't spend all day watching videos on the PC tomorrow.  I just know the whole time I'm doing anything else I will be thinking how I wish I was on the net looking for my business opportunity.

Still no comments I notice.

Just came from Twitter where a rabid attack on the NHS seems to be going on fuelled I would say obviously by American Health Care company advocates.  Release Barabbas.

Welcome to the disappointment.


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